From what I've gathered about lean bulks, it takes a reduction of fat intake, an increase in protein intake, and proper training. I've done a bit of research on the internet and that's the conclusion I've come to, along with deciding to reduce olive oil intake completely. What I'm upping is rice, which increases calories and protein without the fat.
The diet is the following (daily portions):
2 servings pork chops
2 eggs
2 1/2 cups of rice
2 servings spinach
1 serving potatoes
1/3 cup of lentils
Total protein count: 106g
Total calories: 2600
I am increasing calories without adding too much fat, so it shouldn't induce major weight gain. I'm assuming there is some bulk to be had even without olive oil. According to some EVOO is like a dietary godsend because it helps with weight loss and boosts testosterone, but I just put on weight everywhere with it and find myself not happy with how I look after a few days. I am attempting a lean bulk so olive oil is not finding its way into the equation...