Prior to any kind of progressions or progressive overload training, I weighed approximately 139 lbs. In fitness circles, it's said you can gain 0.5-1 lb per month at most. I applied 3 weeks of correct training with calisthenics from March to April, and now we're at around 1 month with the 5x5 routine.
These are front and side profile shots taken today, after 2 meals. After weighing myself many months later (since the very beginning of training last year), it seems I now weigh 147 lbs. That's 8 lbs of what you could say is mostly muscle, as my diet consists of only whole foods. My total calories add up to 3000 (+100-200 some days) daily, and protein has been maintained at 110g for some time (required intake is 105g).
I think I would have more size had I not experienced muscle atrophy weeks 3-4. But, my left arm is no longer shrunken, and the biceps growth is better this week (just did my barbell row routine yesterday).
So obviously, as I mentioned the big surprise here is the huge weight increase. I expected 1-3 lbs at most, but it looks like you can gain muscle a lot faster if your diet is optimized based on your needs and you train properly. But keep in mind, that's only 2 months of progressions with calisthenics combined with progressive overload with weights. I wouldn't have expected as much of a weight increase as that.
In conclusion, I'm satisfied with my weight, and muscle size is getting there one week at a time. I'll try to post Sunday, or whenever I see some more progress.