Generally the idea with weight lifting is that it's more ideal for muscle mass than other forms of resistance training. But so far I'm seeing more weight loss than I ever noticed when I did this last year. In terms of muscle mass, I'm seeing less size because the chosen resistance is less than what I was doing with time under tension. So, I'd give myself about 2-3 progressive overload days to get back to where I was at with bodyweight exercises (which was 3 weeks of progress).
My only concern is that I did change from the barbell row underhand to the overhand, and I don't know if progressive overload with that exercise at the same time as everything else is considered overtraining. I think 6 days for the new grip position should be fine, but if I lose gains then I guess I'll have to get through another 4-5 days of overtraining recovery.
So to recap:
Gains are slightly reduced
Body fat percentage is lowered
Today I changed from the underhand to the overhand barbell row
I'm trying 6 days before progressive overload with the new overhand grip