Recently I started taking more time to apply calisthenics progressions while recovering gains and avoiding muscle loss. On the 26th I started rebuilding and the gains from my last progression yesterday have held. I'll be posting on off days.
This recording is after 2 meals and a cold shower. The resolution is more crisp with my phone camera so it has a leaning effect (it's also just more accurate).
Had I not been overtraining from February through March, I could have made faster progress. But I disagree with the notion that it takes 8 weeks to see changes. If you do things right, 2-3 weeks should be enough motivation to keep going. I understand that a lot of people get demotivated because they don't train properly. Here's what I learned:
Target the whole body throughout the week
Get progressions right
Organize and plan a high protein/unprocessed diet
Avoid overtraining and muscle wasting
If you do all that properly there's no reason you shouldn't see results.