Isolation exercise based routines are proven and time tested for any muscle building workout. On the other side of the coin you have compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups and generate human growth hormone. Which is best? What do bodybuilders utilize most to get results? This article will explore some of these questions and compare, weighing the pros.
Isolation exercises:
According to Nuffield Health, isolation exercises may be easier than your counterpart compound exercise, being less taxing on the body. It is best to work on compound exercises before using isolation exercises, which tend to be added as customization.
If you want to generate more definition to a specific area, it also helps in targeting the muscle around that part of the body with an isolation movement. Additionally, it might make a great addition to a compound workout that doesn't target some muscles primarily. The Stronglifts routine, for example, has 5 compound-only movements that you can add assistance isolation exercises to target biceps and triceps. While some might get results without the isolation exercises, adding them to the routine can help target and develop muscles further than exercises like squats and bench press (which are compound exercises that don't target arms as precisely).
Compound exercises
Compound exercises are used by beginner and advanced bodybuilders. They make up the most of your routine and are great for adding strength and overall fitness. Compound exercises generate more human growth hormone through the targeting and working of multiple muscle groups, which means more muscular development and size. Compound exercises make a variety of day-to-day activities easier by increasing your body's strength and fitness and stability.
Compound exercises can be used to generate more fat loss and tend to burn more calories by targeting more muscle groups. So they're great for weight loss as well as building a more muscular frame.
At the end of the day, you can benefit from both isolation and compound movements. Isolations can be used for definition and targeting muscles, whereas compounds can be used for foundational muscle growth and help with weight loss. It's true that most routines use a combination for maximum effectiveness. Some people might build muscle with many more isolation exercises, and some might use more compound movements and crunch their workouts into 3-5 exercises (deadlift-only workouts also exist).
It's best to use both of these types of movements to get the most out of your muscle building routine.